Apurva Wankhede
Apurva Wankhede visiting the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg
"The one year in Germany has been an experience of a lifetime for me. I cannot stress enough the paramount role the Basu Scholarship of the DAAD-Stiftung has played in transforming my professional and personal life for the better."
Apurva Wankhede first studied at the National Law School of India University. For her master's degree, thanks to the DAAD-Stiftung's Basu scholarship, she was able to come to Germany and learn more about European and International Law at Saarland University.
What this opportunity has meant to her and how it has impacted her life in the long run, Apurva Wankhede shares here:
The one year in Germany has been an experience of a lifetime for me. I cannot stress enough the paramount role the Basu Scholarship of the DAAD-Stiftung has played in transforming my professional and personal life for the better. I have seen myself grow as a student and a professional, as the program at Europa Institute Saarbrücken was both academically rigorous and challenging, and provided me ample opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge in International and European economic laws, and at the same time learn the intricacies of legal profession from the best dispute resolution, banking, corporate and competition lawyers.
Going abroad to study in a country which is much different than my own wasn't easy, but learning and adapting to the German culture, tradition and values was personally very enriching as it helped me understand the German way of life and allowed me to connect with people more easily. What also made it easy was the constant support and guidance that the DAAD-Stiftung supplied me in abundance whenever I needed it.
Apurva Wankhede makes a new friends on the first day of snow
The fact that I could come to Germany to pursue a Master's in European and International Law from Europa Institute seemed almost impossible with the economic and social background that I come from. But the DAAD-Stiftung’s Basu Scholarship changed that, it gave me wings to take a higher flight in life, venture into unchartered territory and chart a whole new course for my career ahead. The DAAD-Stiftung funded my entire studies which has furthered my understanding in a range of legal areas, some of which are as follows:
1. Antitrust laws of the EU – economic theories and school of thoughts underlying antitrust laws governing European Companies and markets.
2. International commercial arbitration – studied international legal conventions and guidelines which provide framework for conducting international arbitration and in selection of arbitrators.
3. International and EU Banking laws – studied the regulatory framework governing the banking institutions (based on soft law developed by Basel committee guidelines, Financial action task force and International Monetary Fund) which was amended as a response to the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.
4. Law of the Economic and Monetary Union – studied the economic and fiscal parameters laid down for member states of the EU for creation the creation of Eurozone.
5. European law of Integration – studied economic, social and political contexts that shaped the formation of the European Union.
It also facilitated my travels to the European Parliament, European Commission and gave me the once in a lifetime opportunity to attend a hearing at the Grand Chamber of European Court of Justice at Luxembourg, as well as the WDR Europa Forum in Berlin, all of which have allowed me to get a closer look at the European legal and political system.
What has really added value to this entire journey is the kind of network I was able to forge with the international lawyers and professors from across Europe, which became a medium for transfer of relevant legal knowledge, ideas and exchange of personal experiences, which have outlived my stay in Deutschland.
The DAAD-Stiftung's role in my life is so humongous, that it almost feels unreal that someone could believe in my dreams and help me achieve it. For this reason, the DAAD-Stiftung feels like family to me now, and I will forever be indebted to them for supporting me in my academic pursuits. As I make my way forward, I want to give back for what I have received in the past one year, in whatever small or big way I can. Here's thanking the DAAD-Stiftung and its generous donors for giving me a shot at a better beginning. Feeling a deep sense of gratitude towards my donors who were responsible for me through and through.
In the following I started writing my Master Thesis related to International Banking Law with the esteemed professor who taught me Banking law at Europa Institute, Saarland University.
As of fall 2019. The English version is the original.