Helieh Abasi


In front of the picturesque scenery of Hohenschwangau Castle

“Receiving the KSB Stiftung Scholarship has been a profound and enriching opportunity for me. This prestigious award not only facilitated my research endeavors in Germany but also provided a platform for acquiring invaluable academic insights. Engaging in research activities in Germany has exposed me to a diverse academic landscape, enabling me to broaden my perspectives and deepen my understanding of my field. I am immensely grateful for the opportunities it has afforded me, and I am eager to leverage these experiences in contributing meaningfully to my academic and professional pursuits.”

The KSB Stiftung Scholarship allowed Helieh Abasi to expand her research in Germany and discover innovative approaches for the control of combined sewers.

She shares her results below and describes some personal impressions from her time abroad:

The primary goal of this internship was to address the issue of combined sewer overflows, which create pollution to the water bodies through the strategic integration of highly effective methods, including Real-Time Control (RTC) and Source Control Solutions (SCS) which modify runoff close to the source. In pursuit of this objective, much like other research projects, Dr. Manfred Schütze encountered several challenges when seeking out the most suitable locations to implement RTC and SCS. However, after diligent efforts, we successfully identified the optimized locations for our case study in Quebec City by adhering to the comprehensive guidelines outlined in German Water Association (DWA) M180 guideline.

Unfortunately, we were unable to allocate sufficient time to implement RTC in our system as planned because prior steps, including simplifying the model and determining the optimal location for tanks, required extensive simulation to ensure accuracy, which significantly extended our timeline. However, the comprehensive procedure and methodology for its application have been thoroughly explained by my supervisor, Dr. Manfred Schütze. I am committed to applying these methods in the near future, acknowledging the noteworthy progress we achieved within the established schedule.

In my search for a suitable location which fits the area that I am working on my PhD project for my internship, I discovered ifak, a renowned institute known for its expertise in Real-Time Control (RTC) and the application of cutting-edge methods. The presence of knowledgeable researchers with numerous publications made ifak a compelling choice. My experience working at ifak has been instrumental in enhancing my knowledge and gaining familiarity with the most current techniques for mitigating Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO).

Abasi Am Marktplatz In Wenigrode Mit Ausblick Auf Das Rathaus Und Brunnen

On the market square in Wenigrode with a view of the town hall and fountain

My supervisor, Dr Manfred Schütze, played a pivotal role in this enriching experience. During my stay in Germany, he went above and beyond to make my experience enriching. He generously shared his extensive knowledge, provided guidance on resolving errors, and helped me navigate challenges encountered during simulation work. His mentorship was invaluable. Aside from that, he kindly took the time to show me around different places, introduce me to the city, and keep me informed about various events happening in Magdeburg.

He was also a great help with practical matters like booking trains and provided plenty of information. My supervisors in Germany and Canada are incredibly supportive and genuinely care about their students. Furthermore, the friendly and supportive atmosphere at ifak, along with friendly colleagues and an international team, created an environment conducive to concentration and productivity. This positive work environment greatly facilitated my efforts and contributed to a successful and enriching internship experience.

Additionally, Dr Schütze went out of his way to arrange various sightseeing and technical excursions opportunities, allowing us to delve deeper into the history, industry, and captivating beauty of Germany. One particularly fascinating excursion was our visit to a small section of the wall having divided at the former East-West German border near to Magdeburg. Such well-planned cultural excursions enriched my understanding of the history of the country, making my stay even more engaging and memorable.

Abasi Ausflug Zum Schloss Neuschwanstein

An excursion to Neuschwanstein Castle

This experience provided me with an up-close look at cutting-edge methodologies which are used in Germany which not only broadened my knowledge but also equipped me with valuable tools for overcoming difficulties in my future endeavors. For instance, in Canada, we primarily use PCSWMM or SWMM software for our simulations. However, during my time at ifak in Germany, I observed that Simba is the preferred software. By utilizing Simba to create simplified models, we were able to significantly reduce the simulation periods, allowing us to run multiple simulations more efficiently. Integrating Simba's streamlined modeling approach into our Canadian projects could enhance our simulation processes and improve overall productivity.

Moreover, this journey offered a window into the German culture, daily routines, traditions, people’s way of life, and culinary delights that differ from those in my home country. For instance, biking is extremely popular in Germany, while in Iran, swimming and tennis are more common sports, with biking being a relatively rare sight. Additionally, in Iran families tend to be close-knit with strong ties among extended family members While in Germany, family is important, there's a stronger emphasis on individual independence. In Iran, there is a greater diversity of food and a stronger emphasis on the art, and you’ll also find more artistic decorations. In contrast, German aesthetics tend to be simpler. The cultural exposure and immersion into new routines, combined with the exploration of diverse foods, like Currywurst and a German soup with sausage that I liked very much but unfortunately, I don’t remember the name, have immeasurably enriched my personal growth.

Throughout my academic career, I will prioritize continuous learning, staying updated with the latest developments in my field and seeking opportunities for professional development. My next steps involve advancing my current research project, disseminating my findings, collaborating with peers, and taking steps to secure my future in academia, which may include teaching, post-doctoral research, and potentially tenure-track positions at academic institutions.

Abasi Ausflug Zur _gedenkstätte Deutscher Teilung Marienborn

A visit to the Marienborn memorial to the division of Germany

Personally, I am so interested immersing myself in a different culture and becoming familiar with the routines of another country is a captivating and eye-opening adventure. It offers a chance to explore new perspectives, tastes, and traditions. Engaging with the daily lives of people from diverse backgrounds reminds me of the beauty in the world's variety of ways of life, and I am profoundly open to adding positive routines from the the country I grew up in.

As an Iranian, my experience with everyday routines and the disparities in both work-related and personal lifestyles in Germany have been quite illuminating. My daily life in Germany has exposed me to a range of diverse routines and distinctive work-related and personal customs. These differences have not only enriched my perspective but also prompted a deeper understanding of cultural and how people treat others especially foreigners.

The educational system in Germany places a strong emphasis on practical and hands-on learning, which differs from the more theoretical approach in Iran. Interpersonal interactions also exhibit variations. The direct and straightforward communication style in Germany differs from the more indirect and polite communication often seen in Iran and the way how Iranian treat guests and foreigners. Learning to adapt to this cultural difference has been a valuable aspect of my personal growth.

In conclusion, my journey from Iran to Canada and then Germany has provided me with a profound appreciation for cultural diversity. I've adapted to the German way of life, integrating the positive aspects into my own routines and learning from these differences to enhance my work and personal life. It has been a transformative experience, broadening my horizons and shaping my perspective in countless ways.

My research experience at ifak e.V. had a significant impact on my academic path going forward. Here are some ways in which it influenced my academic trajectory:

  • Specialization: The research I conducted at ifak allowed me to specialize in a specific area of study and helped me to boost my knowledge based on developed methods used in Germany.
  • Publication Opportunities: The projects I worked on at ifak provided valuable data and insights that I could use for academic publications titled “Exploring feasible Approaches for Mitigating Combined Sewer Overflows using Simba simulator or comparative analysis: detailed and simplified model in mitigating Combined sewer overflows”. This experience helped me to trigger writing new paper of the next water conference ICUD which will take place in June 2024 in Delf and is joint contribution with my German and Canadian supervisors.
  • Networking: My time at ifak allowed me to connect with experienced researchers and academics in my area of interest. These connections have been instrumental in providing guidance, mentorship, and collaboration opportunities in my academic journey.
  • Research Skills: The practical skills I acquired during my internship, have been invaluable for my academic research. These skills set a strong foundation for future research endeavors.
  • Future Research Interests: My experiences at ifak helped me refine my research interests which is stormawater management and different solution to mitigate adverse environmental impacts and identify areas of study that I am particularly passionate about. This clarity has guided my decisions regarding graduate studies and research topics.

It provided me with specialized knowledge, research skills, and the confidence needed to excel in academia. The connections I made and the research interests I developed during my internship have been instrumental in guiding my academic journey and future research pursuits.

My experience in Germany was a mix of both rewarding and challenging elements. Arriving in a new city with few acquaintances, struggling to find suitable accommodation, and overcoming language barriers presented significant challenges.

Despite these difficulties, the experience was profoundly enriching. I gained new knowledge, deepened my understanding of German culture, and enjoyed the country's stunning natural beauty. Throughout my stay, I also formed lasting friendships, both within and outside of ifak. I attended a dance school in Magdeburg, met numerous friends at the Mensa over lunch breaks, and forged connections that extend beyond professional boundaries. These interactions have not only made my academic journey more intriguing but also opened doors for potential research collaborations with Germany in the future.

As of December 2023.