Testimonials: Examples & More

Please scroll for more reports from Alumni of the DAAD-Stiftung

China, Electrical Engineering


As the youngest scientist with a PhD ever to be funded by the DAAD-Stiftung, Yuying He was able to spend a few months as a guest scientist at RWTH with the help of the Asia Scholarship from a generous sponsor. She was already familiar with Aachen from an earlier stay.


Südafrika, Verfahrenstechnik


Can carbon composites made from fine coal shape the future of sustainable building materials? Mhlawakhe Vatsha investigated this question in his master's degree sur place in South Africa and focused his research on showing how these materials can be made safe and corrosion resistant.


Brazil, Geography


After two study stays in Rio de Janeiro, Janek Becker now had the chance to conduct his field research for his dissertation project in Brazil thanks to a Gustav Schübeck scholarship. Living in the middle of the Comunidade do Bodo, he got to know the rich culture of northeast Brazil first hand.


Russian Federation, Film and Television

Ivetta Urozhaeva came to Germany as a graduate of St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television to study Film Directing at the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF). Why she turned to the DAAD-Stiftung's Notfall-Fonds (Emergency Fund) for support she explains here.


South Africa, Musicology


Thanks to numerous free donations the DAAD-Stiftung was able to start its first "own" Stipendien-Patenschaft (individual scholarship) and support a south African singer starting in 2018. Ipeleng Kgatle regularly shared her experiences and described in detail what the scholarship meant to her.


Berlin International Harp Masterclass

Ysaline Lentze

The Berlin International Harp Masterclass offers intense classes and international networking to harp students and future students from Germany and all over the world for a week in Potsdam. In 2022, it took place for the second time, lead by the renowned Swiss harp player Joel von Lerber.


The testimonials above are an exemplary selection. We would appreciate it if you took the time to also have a look at the archive. There you can read further reports and get an idea of what a (donated) Stipendien-Patenschaft can mean.


More reports from our alumni

Many of ours sponsors are committed to specifically supporting young international students from all over the world in gaining valuable academic experiences. By donating to the DAAD-Stiftung they make this dream a reality for those who otherwise would not be able to study in Germany. Here alumni talk about their rewarding time in the land of "poets and philosophers".

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The so-called sur place funding (in-country/region) is another option for supporting students and researchers worldwide. This can be specified by sponsors or implemented by the foundation itself -meaning either with either an individual scholarship sponsorship (Stipendien-Patenschaft) or free donations.

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The DAAD-Stiftung receives numerous donations by benefactors in order to make it possible for German students to live and study abroad within the context of a Stipendien-Patenschaft (individual scholarship). In these diverse reports beneficiaries talk about experiencing a different culture as well as their studies and research at international institutio

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A special funding line of the DAAD-Stiftung which our benefactors have been supporting with free donations for many years is the Notfall-Fonds (Emergency Fund). An unexpected stroke of fate that is not of one's own making should not endanger the successful continuation of one's studies. Here the DAAD-Stiftung would like to help.

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Young students and academics who are organizing an event that aims to promote international academic exchange may turn to the DAAD-Stiftung to apply for additional funding.
Under certain conditions we are able to financially support scientific and artistic events - thanks to free donations by generous benefactors.

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